I am 200% confident that "Imma Tell" is going to be a success. Because, for one, Strange Music & Tech do & will promote the hell out of his music and that single. Unlike bigtime artists, that stay on their coast and do 3 city tours only on the East Coast or West Coast, do an appearance on 106th & Park and call it a year, and when they look up, they have't went Gold, because they figure since I am on Rocafella, or Bad Boy, that will sell my music for me. So I dont have to interact with the fans, just flash my whole paycheck that I have on my wrist at the camera, start a fight at a club to prove that I am hard because he ways it in his lyrics & pin it on my bodyguard, act snotty to the fans and roll through town in a bulletproof Denali with my window barely cracked waving to people, and I'll go platinum. I am sure that Tech will hit the awards shows hard, T.V. shows hard, The phatest clubs, perform with the best artists out there and blow them out of the water... Just think of what Tech would say if he was on 106th & Park or TRL tomorrow. People wouldn't know what to do, then he seems like a natural at everything, they ought to let him host one show or somehting... Come to think about it, Tech is one of the few artists that has more than 2 good songs on his albums. Tech will hit the industry with over 90% of constant listenable music and these washed up half assing rappers showing off their bling but needs to work on their shit wont know what hit em'...
I tell you, Tech's image is going to blow some shit away, I dont care what anyone say's, that's gonna be the thing that burns into peoples memory and set him apart from the norm, and once he does a performance on Television... It's overrrrrrrrrrr......................