Idiot... You want to debate the moderator of the internets largest ecstasy list about Ecstasy? Yes, taking MAOI's (such as antidepressants) are dangerous while taking MDMA. The effects of Seratonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SRI's) is still undetermined.
They forgot to mention the effect of FEELING REALLY FUCKIN' GOOD. Learn what Seratonin does to your brain and what would happen to you if it all got stomped out at once by MDMA.
By the way, "contraindications" isn't even a word. Essentially what they're saying is that MDMA doesn't CAUSE glaucoma, aneurism etc. It's saying that you should not use ecstasy if you HAVE these ailments or take certain MAOI's.
Are we done now?
Effects: Appetite loss; stimulation; mild jaw-clenching; mild to
moderate post-session fatigue. Occasional nystagmus (lateral eye wiggle).
Initial restlessness, nervousness, nausea, shivering or tremor.
moderate post-session fatigue. Occasional nystagmus (lateral eye wiggle).
Initial restlessness, nervousness, nausea, shivering or tremor.
By the way, "contraindications" isn't even a word. Essentially what they're saying is that MDMA doesn't CAUSE glaucoma, aneurism etc. It's saying that you should not use ecstasy if you HAVE these ailments or take certain MAOI's.
Are we done now?