more like what didn't happen. all the shit that you could think of went wrong. dont get me wrong.... ive always had great times at the gatherin, and i feel blessed to have been to three of them when most people can only dream of makin it to one (its not about how "hardcore" it was... so the pussy comment was pretty fuckin retarded to say the least on your half mrdiamond). But yea, we drove from Minnesota and everything was great until we got into Ohio i believe it was. Well anyways we got followed for miles by a state trooper down a toll road (where theres fuckin NOWHERE to pull off) until we got pulled over for "swerving" in the lanes (prob due to lack of sleep). Well we had everything in the trunk of the car except a close friend of ours apparently had shrooms on em. So they searched all our shit... rippin everything apart to find some other minor shit. Our friend got locked up in Ohio for the whole event. We had alot of fun at the event, but someone broke a window in our car to steal a bunch of shit that wasnt worth anything, includin our piece of shit stereo. We had to stay in Cleveland for 2 days after the event to wait for our friend to be released from jail (he was also our last source of money since we spent all our shit). He was unable to get his money back because of some bitch ass cop that had the key to the evidence room... she went home early. So we are tryin to get home on what we have, hopin we didnt lose our jobs when we get there. We ran out of gas a few times and had to ask people like we were some damn bums, lmao. People did help us out, but it didnt matter too much cuz our fuckin car broke down in Eau Claire Wisconsin, where we had to camp out for another day at the repair shop. We had someone pick us up cuz we couldn't get money transfered over Western Union for some reason. Then came back to get the car a few days later. No one lost their jobs though....... A TRIP FROM HELL