The show was hot, yeah makzilla was there and did his part for areola I have been to plenty of shows and its been a min since I seen a crowd get that hype when they played a song. it was a beautiful thing to see ya dig. The set list u have seen is what it was for the most part. Its a hot ass show but honestly I don't think the show is gonna be the same for kc cause their time I is cut short from the org hor and 20 to 30 min show so that has a huge reason why I came and meet up with the boys on the road. Tomorrow I will be in columbia and I promise to have a better review for you. I tried to post messages through out the night for you. My knee is killing me and I'm about to take some pain pills and chill cause we hitting the road hella early in the morning. Whoevers at the columbia show holla at me!