Dissapointed. I wont be going to this show. We havent missed a show in some 5 or so years.... Almost didnt go to the last go round but a friend hooked it up, I think it's time to take a break anyway.
I feel like I'm getting too old for the crowds, I even get irritated by the shit faced/disrespectful lot that fills the venue even when I dont even attempt to stay on the ground floor with the main crowd. It's either the bar or the balcony and like I said I can't even stomach that anymore...
Maybe missing a show or two will reignite that super hyped mentality that used to accompany ANY tech show coming out this way. Fuck, back then all we had to bump was A.P. and the previous catalog, the crowd was a lot smaller, and was a more dedicated group that were there because it was a bad ass show... not because they heard this guy on a mainstream artists album and it's the cool thing to do.
LoL, I'm bitching about having TOO MANY shows when there are some of yall that are lucky to get one every 5 years, mb.