celcius is the only official tech cd that has a blue cover even though don juan put that cd out. you may be looking for a true bootleg of a mix or sumthin....now about 8 years or so ago I did buy a mixtape looking bootleg from rasputins(bay area record store) that seemed to be an actual strange music release that did have the 2 pac features on it as well as a gang of other features(it was a 2 disc cd). But the cover was like black with red trim and the back cover was white....I know I still have both the case and the cd's if you want i may be able to upload it....let me know if this helps
side note: I also have a second copy of said soul searchin/big bad wolf on record if someones interested. Hit me with an offer or if you have any other cds/tapes/lps for trade Im always open...thx