Not the best video, but since it was made for the fans, and not MTV, then it's all good.
I didn't care for the beat too much, and the lyrics were not the best, but okay. It just doesn't blend together well, like most of his tracks do.
Lastly, I don't care for the theme of the song itself. I know I'm going to catch some shit for this, but if Tech wants some proof that God is there, then he's never going to find it. (Some of you are going to say to this: "Well no shit, because there is no God!" I realize many think this, but I am currently talking the point of view that there is a God, etc.)
He's looking way too hard to actually see the evidence that there
is a God. The Bible says, "Thou shall not tempt the Lord thy God." I dunno if Tech realizes this or not (he probably does), but that's what he's doing. It's not going to work the way he wants it to.
One minute it seems as if Tech has no belief in anything supernatural, and then the next he seems like a church-goer. I have always been confused by this. It's like Jason Whitlock once said during a review of one of Tech's albums... "Tech needs to stop beating a dead horse and rapping about all this religion. We know (basically) how he feels, but why does he feel he needs to bring up the same tired line(s) on every album?"
I am not saying Tech is right or wrong, or anything else. I am basically just tired of him always questioning the Lord. If you don't believe, then you don't believe. There is
nothing that is magically going to happen that is going to convince someone who doesn't believe. If you believe in God homie, then trust in him. You have to have faith. God isn't going to come down here to convince just you,
or anyone else. That's part of the deal... you just have to believe and have faith.
*Okay, anyhow, I'll get down from my soap box now. That's just how I feel. I ask that no one takes what I said personally. I am just displaying one fan's point of view, and saying what's on my mind. I am not trying to start an argument with anyone on this board, but rather just get that off my chest. I probably won't check the boards again for several weeks, so if anyone tries to start an argument with me, or question my post, the issue/thread will be long over by the time I see the rebuttal. (I just never get on here anymore... I have very little spare time, and I've lost the excitement for a couple years now that Tech is ever going to blow up like we once thought he would.) Thank you!