wow i leave this room for a few hours and a war broke out
it'z funny how most of this ain't even related to tech n9ne
azryda if you hate psychopathic so much how come you "seem" like you know so much about them what'z so bad about chainsaws and axes....they weapons like guns and knives
everything got it'z own degree of hardcore if anythin axes and chainsaws are more hardcore then guns and knives cause they sloppier and nastier weapons and shit they some nasty gut wrenching old school shit just ask michael myers or jason and freddy haha
twiztid may rap about crazy raps hella real shit, true but he's rapped some crazy songz also
also look at it this way....all twiztid does is write about music you can chop an axe too? how about if i said all tech n9ne does is write about music about his hometown....the kc mo if you think about it most of tech n9ne's songz have similiar topicz and ideas
you dissed marilyn manson tool and them other kidz but yo, they rock groupz it'z easy for a rapper to diss them....check out zhinin, esham, magic, i can go on and on there's lotz of rappers who wear shit on they faces or designz and shit just cause they wear some face paint don't mean they suck
if you hate twiztid it'z kool but get your factz straight man problem with peoplez is they hate on thingz for the wrong reason and they assume that just cause a band suckz it doesn't matter what you know about them as long as they suck that'z like sayin america was good for putting an end to racial boundaries and jim crow laws and them shitz true it'z good that we don't have that segregation and shit but the fact is america didn't wanna do it....durin the cold war, america blamed russia for treatin it'z people cruelly and russia pointed out our treatment of non-w.a.s.p. americans all the minority groups and shit america let everyone else free simply cause they wanted to beat russia in the war not because it was the right moral thing to do that shit depresses me
if your gonna hate on twiztid or tech n9ne or anyone else, it'z your decision but at least have a reason to hate them and have the right facts if you hate them on top of that, just cause you hate them don't mean i hate them, so don't try callin anyone a fag or bitch or stupid shit like that because everyone has different fuckin tastes
oh and for the record, twiztid ain't clowns
anyone want any twiztid trackz or psychopathic trackz or tech n9ne trackz, hit me with an e-mail or somethin i'll be glad to send it to you after all, i don't wanna just spread tech n9ne i wanna spread music
music'z my life i like what i like and if you don't like it too fuckin bad if you like it, then get ill and enjoy that shit one day hopefully soon i'll be puttin my shit onto cdz i don't even wanna make money off it i wanna give my cd to anyone who wantz, for free i just wanna spread my shit spread my knowledge and my pain and all that shit music ain't about money or power or fame or even respect music is about life
i just typed up a long fuckin thing so right about now, i'm out