wow, its crazy this time in my life i have been listening A LOT to sports talk radio. and last night after work.. i had espn radio on and whaddaya know? Jim rome show comes on.
i actually listened to almost the entire show and DWWWWAAAAAM... whitlock talks about TECH the WHOLE FUCKING SHOW man. in the beginning of the show hes playin "Like yeah" and hes like... THATS MY DOG TECH N9NE from KC!! played some of "crybaby" and lots of other shit.all fkn show hes playin tech music, talkin bout killer, and sayin "Tech N9ne!!!"
for 3 hours TECH got some serious love from whitlock. this dude whitlock is pretty cool man, i was gettin into what he was sayin about sports and other non-sport issues. anyway this is some pretty good exposure for nina.