Show Me A God has been on there for a couple weeks with a release date set for today, but Leave Me Alone popped up there today with today as the release date as well. Surprised it hasn't been on there a couple weeks too. Also surprised a third one isn't up already (e.g. Strange Music Box) as it seems more time than not, they release three. Though I believe they released two for Monsterifik and released two for Sickology (but later put up a third for Sickology)
Still think these should've been officially released a few weeks ago as it increases the chances of profit. Right now, they're up a mere week before the album, so people may just wait and buy the album, whereas if they were up a month in advance, people may be more tempted to buy these "now" and get the album later. *Shrugs*
EDIT: For those that may not figure it out, clicking the cover will take you to the single's page on Amazon.