its not that i dont believe in tech, i just know the area well, considering ive lived here my entire life. jay-z is popular here, but not enough to beat out slug. wayne on the other hand. EVERY person i talk to damn near says that Wayne is their favorite rapper. if they are basing the winners on call in votes, then tech will have a very tough time, where slug should have it easy, since tech isn't from this area. if it ends up being tech vs slug in the end, slug will get it. tech is known here, but not nearly as much as slug is. atmosphere and tech get about the same amount of exposure on MTV (atmosphere gets a little bit more in all honesty), so it ending with those 2 is enough imo since they would have beaten out people that are overexposed. either way though, its good exposure. tech has a concert here the 29th, so im sure that will get plenty of promotion, and atmosphere has a new CD coming out the 22nd, so that will get good promotion too.