Shit, homie. Graffiti started way back in Rome or Egypt. Back when they used to carve writtings into walls and all that. As far as modern graffiti goes, from what I can remember, back in 1970 something, some guy named Taki was one of the first graffiti artists to catch the medias attention. He wasn't the first graffiti writer, but just the first one to gain attention. He was from New York. His job allowed him to travel around the city all day. He began putting his name up on subways during his travels and all that. I'm sure this is how many of the first writers began as well. Oh yeah, he had a number at the end of his name too, that's what made people wonder who he was. And from him, many others got into it and it became a big thing, especialy in New York. Now it's apart of the elements of Hip-Hop. You can still find it world-wide now, whether it's a graff artisit putting his name up or someone stenciling some letters to make a point about something, it's everywhere. Worst part about it though, graffiti isn't what it used to be. Immature cats got into it and don't know what they're doing. Heard about some kids over here that went over a gang with a simple hit up. Lil kids got dealt with and probably won't ever pick up a can again. Kids need to learn some history about their city and the crews around before they even think about going over somebody.