Their shows do fuckin' kicks some ass. Seriously, you may not like their music, but I bet if you went to a show you'd come out and at least say "That was a fuckin' blast, besides the music".
I remeber the first time they came to Wichita. It was at this lil warehouse (The Forum I think was the name). They came with the Humble Godz (Daddy X from KMK'z punk side project). It was like nothin I've ever seen before.......then they came back 6 monthz to a year later with Myzery and House Of Krazeez. HOK never showed up...................God I wish HOK woulda showed up!!!
damn...when i was reading this there was a commercial on CBS for "yes dear" and dude said "blow up dolls" right when i started to read your post......fucking weird