Constant pressure to bring in new deals..........meeting unrealistic deadlines to close deals..........juggling multiple deals all at once.........having to write a million reports when a deal is going south........having to spend time (which takes away from items #1 & #2) to restructure deals that are going south..........dealing with straight up fuck faces who think they are God because of their balance sheet.............
Some external items include knowing damn well I can't go work any other job in my area and make the amount of $ I am making and that my family and lifestyle I have built depends on me making 6 figures+. I am trapped into being a Banker my whole life cuz quite frankly, nothing pays as good. But never really enjoying any of the $ because you work 60 hours a week and am too fucking tired to do anything even when I am home. Having a distorted vision of $ because I am only 30 making 6 figures.
I can go on. But like I said, I am not trying to come off as narcissistic, or complain given what other people are going through. As I said, unless you're living it, its hard to explain.
That's why I say everything that glitters isn't gold.