You might wanna check the spelling on that one. But I'm feeling the Fuck The System. Maybe you wanna copy this one:
ha ha, no question, i got a d in english in high school, but i'm definetly gonna brush up on that shit when i get that tat done(i'm going to do a community course that does basic english gramma aswell, because i want to do a law access course that will allow me to do a law degree witout any qualifications because i flopped in high school too, you see what i'm saying), but it has to be on my back though you know
@duke of earl
whats so funny about that paragraph you highlighted dawg, considering you've got revolutionary political prisoners and warriors in your sig like mumia abu jamal, huey p newton and george jackson in your sig?
for people to take my pan africanism organizations seriously and properly, i feel i need to have money on a big boy level, you see what i'm saying, so they can't flop it and my agenda is pushed through, you need money to do that, thats the way i see it
and i'm out of work at the moment, but i'm definetly looking for a job, but at heart, i'm a biznessman, i'm a entrepreneur, i'm just working to raise money to get my own real estate ventures off, my own bizness up and running