I'm the son of an SPD Detective? Who told you that? lol.....pops wasn't a detective. He was a street cop for 30 years. And that means what? It never helped my criminal record.....I'm still a felon.....I've still been in jail more times than I can count....I've been in every county jail around here.....and I didn't grow up with my dad.....so what's your point? And what do your mommy and daddy do?
And you might as well take 151's album off your list.....your 1 "beat" was re-worked by John Silva and ME.....because it sounded like poop. It sounds better now.....
You got 1 verse on Sarkastik's album.....the other verse will go on whatever I choose to use it for. You were replaced with Crytical.
Everybody and their mama thinks that Mac Dre shit you did sounds like crap. I haven't heard it....so I can't speak on it. But I haven't heard 1 good thing about it.
Smoke's record?? Oh my lord.....I heard that crap....I wouldn't brag about that shit AT ALL.
Beat here.....beat there. Wooptie fuckin' doo. Like I said.....I've produced entire albums (beats, recording, engineering, mixing, mastering...not to mention writing, spitting and doing the graphics!)......how many projects have I touched this year? Hella! I don't sit up here and brag about them all day long though.
How did you get half of those opportunities though? For real? It must be because you were just so fuckin' famous from those raggedy-ass Warpath CD's, huh?

Uh.....OK. Not to mention that EVERYBODY thought you were WACK except ME! I had to convince everyone in FTS you were tight! I recognized your talent....nobody else did.
And you learned more than mixing from me (which you actually obviously DIDN'T because you STILL don't know how).....I taught you how to use the efx.....tried to teach you about synthesis. Shit!! I helped to create your 3 track vocal layering sound! You can hate me all you want Theo.....but your life was undeniably enriched by me. Maybe you didn't go platinum off of 3,000 CD's (like you could?).....but that was YOUR pipe dream. And look.....you're even still using the Syko logo I created for your Sykotherapy cover....cute. I'm far more than just "a whiteboy with beats." That's comedy. I've shaped numerous careers.....most of the people in FTS learned everything they know from me....am I lying? I taught them how to write verses and count bars....I bought them rhyming dictionaries and other books.....I created everything! I AM THE MASTERMIND BEHIND THE LAST 5 YEARS OF SLR! Nobody else....just me.....fuck what you "heard" nerd.
Hate me, hate me, hate me......I don't give a fuck. I'm still better than you.
Alisha? I hope you're not talking about the snitch Alisha. That fat bitch....lol. You guys are a match made in heaven.