and fatal if that is true how come in my area which is the merced county area alote of the nortes from Livingston XIV norte run with some surenos and back each other up?????? I mean the Livas (livingston set) has been around for at least a couple of decades.
in my area i have gone to school with nortes and surs that grew up together their whole lives and chose separate paths (N's and S's) yet they wont lift a finger against each other.
i also have cousins in turlock that bang norte and cousins in Atwater they bang sur and 1 cousin in merced that bangs norte yet there have never been problems between them.
now is this just a rare occasion when these things happen or do people know of this happening in other places as well..
im stayin in tha 209 area too homeboy and i muzt say itz VERY VERY different than where im from. shyt iz calm here, tha "Nortenoz" here dont seem to funk with tha scrapz much, altho they do funk every once in a while.
thiz "ENE" wuz about to hit up a scrap, so he went up to tha scrap'z car and got in and it seemed az tho they were TALKING and not beefing! i wuz lyke WUT THA FUCK!? where im from if a scrap wuz in tha same car az an ENE, he'd be in tha fuckin trunk! NO JOKE!
lyke i said, itz MUCH different here than tha 408....if i were to be seen talking to a scrap by tha homeboyz, id looze all my respekt and would prolly get my ass beat down az well.
to clear thingz up, i put "scrap" instead of "sureno" bcuz they are SCRAPZ up here, tha surenoz are down in LA.
tha reazon i put quotation markz above NORTENOZ and ENE when i speak about tha gangzterz here iz bcuz im not so sure they are truely down for tha not sayin they're not, and im not knockin tha 209 at all cuz i know it haz a lot of TRUE ENEz, but tha onez where im stayin dont do much of anything and from wut i here, they sumtymez associate with tha scrapz. ill have nothing to do with them.
Their only CAUSE is to put it down for their neighborhood and they dont bang "SUR 13" they bang their varrios. Being a Sureno makes no difference until they touch down in the clink. Also; cholos fight one another because they are CHOLOS and HERE thats what cholos DO. It's not like there is anyone else to bang on, so hey; what the hell?!
i think the crips and bloods that rap together are perty much studio gangsters because u aint going to see no crip saying wattupp to a blood. And for u asking if scraps and nortenos should make a album together slap yourself for that one
That's bullshit salad bowl...i know plenty of crips and bloods that associate with each other, they really dont have a major "cause" it's just about what hood your from.
i think the crips and bloods that rap together are perty much studio gangsters because u aint going to see no crip saying wattupp to a blood. And for u asking if scraps and nortenos should make a album together slap yourself for that one
I heard those foos on bangin on wax r phoney,I used to have a Nationwide Rip Ridaz cd and this foo was wearing all blue,but he had on black chucks wit red laces. Also the hatred between Nortenos&Surenos is deeper than the funk between B's & C's.
@salaD bowl tossed...i never said they should make an album together...go back and carefully read what i wrote...if your dumb ass still cant get a grip on the concept then take a few reading lessons...youre too stupid for your own good.
thiz is the gayest shit ever....why is yall wantin nortenos and surenos to get along? is your goal n life 2 squash all the funk or sumthin? why waste your time. i dont get it
what makes you think anybody is trying to unite them?it is a question i brought up asking if it would ever happen...some gave their opinions others like yourself and salad seem to have too short of an attention span to read carefully and not jump to conclusions.