and ru dog, how come just on this fuckin INTERNET website there's more reps from ESSJ that have kicked it with me, ride for me and vica versa, then you
and don't say some funny shit
cus all the other dudes from sj know eachother pretty much
trust me, your name has been brought up in conversation...nobody knows who you are or where your from
been in all these years, you only been seen once
kickin it next to a few random people by your lonely when there was a good 20+ nortenos from ESSJ and that was just the nortenos
lol@ wigger
we prefer the time wafrican wamerican
i thought being Whicano yourself, you'd be more racially sensitive ru
How would you know? This is the fucking internet. Do you even know my name stupid? All you know is rudog that you like to flap w/your pussy lips stupid. Wow an internet name. LMAO I could bring up schmo soulwrong the 1st to SF kats & I bet they wouldn't know who your punk wigger ass is either, but at least that might be a name you actually are known of in the streets & not some net name you made up.
Wow, you seen me once. LOL Like your faggot ass is supposed to be checking out all the siccness kats or something. Keep that gay shit in frisco in your castro hood faggot. You don't want any you wafrican wamerican. LOL I don't even know you, cuzz you're a nobody to me & I don't be checking out dudes I don't know at rap functions like you. Even tho when I seen some white boy hiding behind his lady in SF when I walked by, it totally reminded me of you. LOL
For real, you've been on my nuts ever since that bbq. I never had a man on my nuts so hard, but I never lived in SF either. I could understand if that's the norm out there. Don't get mad at me, cuzz I like pussy & don't check out the dudes who check me out. That's funny how you say I was kicking it w/someone, but I wasn't. Even if I was solo, I don't need to be deep like you need to be to feel like you can be some where & act like you're hard. I don't need to be like your groupie ass & go kick it with 20+ nortenos from ESSJ I don't know, but ain't like all those enes were from ESSJ as you assumed.
There were enes from SF, FMT, YOC, etc. & you should know that. Why you got to be making up stories? Don't make me get the infamous Grape St Watts bay banger after you, cuzz I heard even he can put you in check. LOL & I was taught not to speak up on those initials years ago by my real homeboys, who know what I was about. You can get the middle finger & maybe since you like to stare at me so much, you can see the old ass tat on my hand that shows I'm down for life.