not true at all necessarily. i don't know how you guys have your shit set up, but when someone posts something after i said something, it let's me know at my yahoo account in the form of an email sayin so and so relplied to your post on the siccness. i don't think it shows that i am on the siccness website when i jump to the thread through a link from yahoo like that until i change it to the east co co forum, otherwise i am just on that one post or whatever and not really on the siccness until i move from that thread you dig??? so i guess he could be doing this too.
but what is the point, this didn't make him look any worse than he already did, doesn't make you look any better either. i ain't startin shit, i am just sayin man. you could have posted this on that other thread and just as many people would have seen it i bet