Students stabbed 200+ times then set on fire

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Feb 9, 2003

Like I said before when I show up to a thread Joey, Fanatikal, and any one else who wants to diss the Siccness better run and hide.

Now Siccness, who you gonna call? MEXCOM!
Oct 30, 2002

[Play this first to create the proper environment]

[Mexcom enters the SICCNESS ring wearing a leather vest, steel toed work boots, and denim shorts. He has the eye of the tiger and the heart of the gorilla. He is out for blood. This is a new day in Siccness Entertainment. The new movement is here.]

Getting props from bull dykes on your photography don't rile me none. Now let me tell the rest of the Siccness that I hate this camel fucking tooth fairy looking jack ass more than he hates pussy. Can Colombo get a "You're still a bitch?"

Siccness: You're STILL a bitch!

If you think popping wheelies is something to be proud of then you're a bigger idiot than those morons who dared ban the great I GO DUMMY. This isn't a warning COLOMBO. This is a declaration of war. Next time you post your gay pictures on the Siccness limit the amount of words that come out of that dick hole you call a mouth, son, or MEXCOM will have to shove his steel tipped dick into the pussy canal that birthed you. Can COLOMBO get a "You're still a bitch?"

Siccness: You're STILL a bitch!

[The crowd is going crazy! The shouts are still heard. "You're still a bitch!" "You're still a bitch!" "You're still a bitch!" MEXCOM sees a fan's sign in the distance...]

You...hold up that mothafucking sign up for everyone to see!

[The young lad, about 15 years in age holds up a sign and the crowd erupts in a frenzy! A new movement has been created. From this day forth everything gay and ungood shall be known as J.COLOMBO and the Siccness will never again condone the fucking of mad niggaz!]

Siccness: You're STILL a bitch!
Siccness: You're STILL a bitch!
Siccness: You're STILL a bitch!
Siccness: You're STILL a bitch!
Siccness: You're STILL a bitch!