Student punished for beliefs

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Jun 27, 2005
HERESY said:
There are many differences between a religion and a cult. One is usually a splinter or heretical version of something else. Cults usually have a single leader who dictates what can and can't be down, and there ar eusually many restricions enforced. Google Jim Jones and you'll see a prime example of a cult leader and a cult.
Thank you. Now could you explain how a cult is in contrast to a religion?

HERESY said:
Besides using someones parody and play on religion what point should we see?
The point is that anybody can make up any ridiculous "truth" or "viewpoint on the way the universe came to be," but that does not mean it has a place in science classes. Another point is that just because you dont agree with his religion, that doesn't make it any less worthy of the same constitutional protections awarded to any other religion.

HERESY said:
Oh I get it, this guy should have religious freedom, but muslims should be prohibited from practicing their religion at school, and christians should be banned from praying in the classroom.
Who said anything about that? If you want to pray, then pray, I don't care. Just as I don't care if some Pastafarian wants to wear a pirate costume and give crackers to Polly.

HERESY said:
Why don't I just make up a religion, call it "o8gw6i86fgb75678" and go to school with nothing on except for a pair of boxers?
Because you don't have the time, I guess. But I'm sure that if you did, it would be a valid scientific theory worthy of being taught in science classes.

HERESY said:
Yes, but if we rely on your wacky train of thought there isn't so what does it matter?
The guy who has delusions of God talking to him is calling my train of thought wacky. You can't buy that with a Mastercard.


Apr 25, 2002
Thank you. Now could you explain how a cult is in contrast to a religion?
Did you not read when I said, "One is usually a splinter or heretical version of something else"?

The point is that anybody can make up any ridiculous "truth" or "viewpoint on the way the universe came to be," but that does not mean it has a place in science classes.
There is a DIFFERENCE between school curriculum and someone wanting to stir up trouble, and who said anything about a different view point in the class room? Although the origin of pastafarianism (a parody) is linked to the debate between what is taught in class, the article is NOT about what is taught in the classroom. The article is about this guy practicing his "religion" and if the practice is disruptive to the school environment.

Who said anything about that? If you want to pray, then pray, I don't care. Just as I don't care if some Pastafarian wants to wear a pirate costume and give crackers to Polly.
You're the one talking about the point you think he is trying to make, and I am saying that his "point" really isn't a point because he has no "true" interest in this "religion". What he is doing he is going off a parody and stirring up trouble.

Because you don't have the time, I guess. But I'm sure that if you did, it would be a valid scientific theory worthy of being taught in science classes.
You don't understand what is being typed.

The guy who has delusions of God talking to him is calling my train of thought wacky. You can't buy that with a Mastercard.
The so-called greatest mind in history was called a crack pot, and every sunday a preacher or so-called holy man claims to talk to God. In fact, EVERYDAY billions of people claim to talk to God (through prayer, meditation or reading) so what is your point? I don't feel insulted by your comment. In fact, I like it because it shows that I am basically destroying your logic and train of thought as it relates to this topic. In fact, I'm doing such a good job that you MUST rely on a fallacy and bring up my POV and experiences. LOL! :siccness:
Jun 27, 2005
HERESY said:
Did you not read when I said, "One is usually a splinter or heretical version of something else"?
I got that, but you could also say the same about religion.

HERESY said:
There is a DIFFERENCE between school curriculum and someone wanting to stir up trouble, and who said anything about a different view point in the class room? Although the origin of pastafarianism (a parody) is linked to the debate between what is taught in class, the article is NOT about what is taught in the classroom. The article is about this guy practicing his "religion" and if the practice is disruptive to the school environment.
I wasn't necessarily speaking on strictly this article. I was speaking on the point the guy was trying to make. I was also under the impression that this student was the same guy who made up "FSM."

HERESY said:
You're the one talking about the point you think he is trying to make, and I am saying that his "point" really isn't a point because he has no "true" interest in this "religion". What he is doing he is going off a parody and stirring up trouble.
Its just as valid as ID being taught in science classes, which is not at all, which is the point.

HERESY said:
The so-called greatest mind in history was called a crack pot, and every sunday a preacher or so-called holy man claims to talk to God. In fact, EVERYDAY billions of people claim to talk to God (through prayer, meditation or reading) so what is your point?
You're a wacky guy.

HERESY said:
In fact, I like it because it shows that I am basically destroying your logic and train of thought as it relates to this topic. In fact, I'm doing such a good job that you MUST rely on a fallacy and bring up my POV and experiences. LOL! :siccness:
You haven't even said anything about my logic other than you consider it "wacky" for some reason. Thats not destroying anything. And I'm not relying on any fallacy, you actually claim that God talks to you, and that's pretty wacky to me.


Apr 25, 2002
I got that, but you could also say the same about religion.
Actually you can't.

I wasn't necessarily speaking on strictly this article. I was speaking on the point the guy was trying to make. I was also under the impression that this student was the same guy who made up "FSM."

Its just as valid as ID being taught in science classes, which is not at all, which is the point.
Again, others than the fact that the parody stemmed from a debate involving ID, the article has nothing to do with intelligent design being taught in the classrooms. The article has to do with him practicing his "religion" and if it caused a disruption in the educational environment. This is not an issue of ID so why are you mentioning it?

You're a wacky guy.
I AGREE with you.

You haven't even said anything about my logic other than you consider it "wacky" for some reason.
Do I need to say anything about it? You know what you said and you know what you were implying about religion. In addition, the fact that you are focusing on ID instead of religious freedoms proves you aren't capable of keeping up with this topic.

@206, is this article even real? Who cares? If it is or isn't some case like this would probably make it to the highest courts of the land, so if this is a hypothetical scenario my perspective doesn't change.

Back @ XXXtra

Thats not destroying anything. And I'm not relying on any fallacy, you actually claim that God talks to you, and that's pretty wacky to me.

But how does my personal life, personal opinions or anything I've ever said about God important here? See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. You're introducing something that has NOTHING to do with much of anything and making it seem as if my experiences and beliefs have somehow fueled or shaped my way of thinking in this topic.

Yes, you are relying on a fallacy to prove your point, and yes I am destroying it. Now I'll go ahead and drive this bullet in your entire argument and show you what a dunce you are.

What is the thesis or main idea of this article?