Student punished for beliefs

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May 13, 2002
As a firm believer in FSM, and a devout Pastafarian, I am deeply disturbed about the injustice that is occurring in my own country. I'm truly ashamed to be an amerikan...


Student punished for spaghetti beliefs
Thursday, March 29, 2007

A student has been suspended from school in America for coming to class dressed as a pirate.

But the disciplinary action has provoked controversy – because the student says that the ban violates his rights, as the pirate costume is part of his religion.

Bryan Killian says that he follows the Pastafarian religion, and that as a crucial part of his faith, he must wear 'full pirate regalia' as prescribed in the holy texts of Pastafarianism.

The school, however, say that his pirate garb was disruptive.

Pastafarians follow the Flying Spaghetti Monster (pictured), and believe that the world was created by the touch of his noodly appendage. Furthermore, they acknowledge pirates as being 'absolute divine beings', and stress that the worldwide decline in the number of pirates has directly led to global warming.

Pastafarianism gained wide attention when its key prophet, Bobby Henderson, wrote to the Kansas School Board during the height of the controversy over 'Intelligent Design' being taught in science classes. His letter, also published on his website, demanded equal time be given to the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster as was given to ID and evolutionary theory.

Since then, the Flying Spaghetti Monster has gained countless followers worldwide, although there are those who remain spagnostic.

The school, in North Buncombe, North Carolina, remains adamant that their decision to suspend Killian for a day has nothing to do with his religion, and quite a lot to do with his repeated refusal to heed warnings against wearing pirate outfits.
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Furthermore, they acknowledge pirates as being 'absolute divine beings', and stress that the worldwide decline in the number of pirates has directly led to global warming.
HA.. you don't believe this shit do you? pirates are stronger in numbers in the last 5 years then they have been in the last half century.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
When I saw Pastafarians I was hoping it wasn't going to be some fucking pasta shit. I guess that's cool if he wants to believe that though.

Although, I hate to say this but that "religion" is a fucking joke. Anyone can make their own religion, or shall I say, cult. It would be going down a slipperly slope to say they can't practice that religion but seriously, that's the dumber than the idea that Jesus walked on water and was God on earth and all the other hocus pocus Bible mumbo jumbo.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Fuck critical thinking! We need people to push buttons on a machine! That's what they need to do! Fuck their feelings and beliefs, there is money to be made!

(sarcasm obviously)

I think you make a very good point.
May 13, 2002
I AM said:
When I saw Pastafarians I was hoping it wasn't going to be some fucking pasta shit. I guess that's cool if he wants to believe that though.

Although, I hate to say this but that "religion" is a fucking joke. Anyone can make their own religion, or shall I say, cult. It would be going down a slipperly slope to say they can't practice that religion but seriously, that's the dumber than the idea that Jesus walked on water and was God on earth and all the other hocus pocus Bible mumbo jumbo.
Jun 27, 2005
I AM said:
When I saw Pastafarians I was hoping it wasn't going to be some fucking pasta shit. I guess that's cool if he wants to believe that though.

Although, I hate to say this but that "religion" is a fucking joke. Anyone can make their own religion, or shall I say, cult. It would be going down a slipperly slope to say they can't practice that religion but seriously, that's the dumber than the idea that Jesus walked on water and was God on earth and all the other hocus pocus Bible mumbo jumbo.
Is there a religion that isn't? I don't see how nobody is getting the point this guy is trying to make. And what's the difference between a religion and a cult?


Apr 25, 2002
And what's the difference between a religion and a cult?
There are many differences between a religion and a cult. One is usually a splinter or heretical version of something else. Cults usually have a single leader who dictates what can and can't be down, and there ar eusually many restricions enforced. Google Jim Jones and you'll see a prime example of a cult leader and a cult.

I don't see how nobody is getting the point this guy is trying to make.
Besides using someones parody and play on religion what point should we see? Should we all start hooping and hollering about his constitutional rights have been violated? Oh I get it, this guy should have religious freedom, but muslims should be prohibited from practicing their religion at school, and christians should be banned from praying in the classroom. Why don't I just make up a religion, call it "o8gw6i86fgb75678" and go to school with nothing on except for a pair of boxers?

Is there a religion that isn't?
Yes, but if we rely on your wacky train of thought there isn't so what does it matter?