ya we met man, i was rollin with jeff and I was the one who was able to take a good pick of you guys oveously lol. Anyways it was coo to see the modesto car club coming through. i was raised in modesto for 12 years of my life but born in santa cruz cali. I basicly left here moved there then came back. Anyhow that event was tight, i just wish i had some fucking business cards to hand out since I run
www.2siccaudio.com there was so much possibility to network with some of the local tallent sellin cds but no one would have believed me if i went up and was like, "Hey I run 2siccaudio.com we promote snippets of albums online. Give me a free one and I gurantee it will be on the site" hell naw he would have told me to get the fuck out of here lol. Anyhow good look man on spotton me on here.