STREET CONNECT (documentary)

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May 16, 2002

What don't you get, Homie?

Okay, fuck it let me just come out and say it (because I just got a feeling about where this is going).

Okay, okay I already know: Who the fuck are these dudes (right?)

Fair enough. That's the same thing I ask myself when I watch DVD's from underground rappers. Only difference is them other DVD's people be acting like we should know who they are already, like they are really famous or really doing it big.

Typical thing now a days, put a camera in front of a rapper and first thing he does is advertize his album like the shit is availble everywhere.

In shooting this DVD I told muthaphuckaz to save they breath and I'll ask the questions and I want answers without adding the (me me me, I'm about to blow up), type shit.

It's not any different than what's happening everywhere with local underground artist. It just happens to be the 831 Central Cali part & it's network is all.

A real documentary, not promoting these rappers albums, just letting people know the real story. Regular John Does trying to make it in this music business.
Apr 16, 2003
Good shit there. Theres a shitload of talented folks across the 831, I just don't think nobody knows how to take it that much further to get heard by more peeps.
May 16, 2002
Lo-Lo said:
marvaless is the shit why was she in there wit all dem other random miscellaneous niggas
Marvaless happens to show much love to all of us out here in Monterey County. She comes out here quite a bit and sometimes just calls a muthaphucka to see how I'm doin'.

I'm glad to hear you like her stuff, keep your eyes on my upcoming album her on it.

It just happens to be the 831 Central Cali part & it's network is all. And if ya don't know, now ya know...

Tall T said:
that freestyle at the end was pretty tight.. not the best ive heard u feel me, but it was clean
Thankz Homie. That Homie had lots of character though...wait til you see the actual documentary...Homie is laughs.

rose town ryda said:
looks like it could be a cool project.

-but my question is when was that shit filmed cuz i aint seen that fubu jacket for dayzzzzzz
That footage was shot last year I's hard to say Homie. I got about 14-15 hours of footage, so it's hard to keep track sometimes.

I been at this for a few and just now putting it together.

My main point is anybody could put together a DVD in a few months and put it out there and call it what they want. I want a story to be told and am serious about making an actual documentary on this shit...reguardless of time.

As to where the DVD will be availible at...there is still much work to be done, but wanted to show people what's coming in 2008.

I'll keep you all posted, check the website or hit me on the myspace since I'm the one doing it.

Thank you Homies for the Luv and support.


Sicc OG
Dec 21, 2005
rose town ryda said:
my question is when was that shit filmed cuz i aint seen that fubu jacket for dayzzzzzz
aint u ever been 2 salinas or any other small time outskirt cities thats shit is fresh out there that shit was probly yesturday
May 16, 2002
Man, don't so gullible.

Lo-Lo said:
aint u ever been 2 salinas or any other small time outskirt cities thats shit is fresh out there that shit was probly yesturday


Man, Homie you make it sound like we all behind with thangz and shit, but fail to realize we been networking with Bay Area cats and many more for a long time.

We're not some lame muthaphuckaz out here trying to do something...we been at this and probably done more than most people that just run they mouth or fingertips.

Only difference is, we're not out there making it out to be more than what it is talkin' about "we're about to blow and shit..."

Check my resume!

P.S. That's the biggest mistake out of towners get when they come out to these areas like Salinas and shit. They think we're just some small town folkz that don't know too much about anything. The ones who don't know are the out of towners when they ride through thinking they hot shit cause they from a big city...

come through Salinas with that bullshit Homie and you'll find a muthaphucka that will prove to you that these muthaphuckaz out here don't play.

I'm no Gangsta and I'm not threating ya...just letting you know the number one street code: NEVER UNDERESTIMATE OR TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED!