whats up tech, aye read this shit your gonna laugh your ass off, it starts from the bottom it goes me then lejo then etc..
Tech is a great artist. Im real, I can admit that. Him putting me on the VT album is actually disrespect to me. That was an underground cd. y havent I been on any international mainstream albums? I will give u one example because i wrote all this shit n a song and i dont feel like writin it again. Now Its On is a fuckin classic. We killed that beat. Literally. Nobody will ever make a song on that beat as sick as we did. So y not do more music together right? This is y. After people liked me too, he got mad and thought of me as a threat to him. We both had opportunities to have a deal with QD3. He was out front on our label (Midwestside Records) so he got his deal first. By the time it was my turn, he already had a relationship wit Q and told him not to sign me becuase he wouldnt stick out as much with me around. Hater shit. Thats y nobody on techs label even comes close to his skills because he only wants people around him that cant fuck with him. the way u feel about tech, u dont feel that way about Hobo Tone or Cutt or Callico do you? I know you dont and that was strategically planned.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: SOE (Hit me up on myspace for a free sampler cd)
Date: Jun 1, 2007 3:53 PM
aight i see but i still respect tech as an artist nah mean, im just tryin to figure out what he could of possibly done to you? like on now its on you all where all extra tight n shit and he even put you on the VT album, i thought you two actually make good collabos together but w/e your both good. so....what happened
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Lejo
Date: Jun 1, 2007 3:21 PM
No offense taken. Tech has done hater shit to me and alot of other people in our town. You(the public) just know techs music, you dont know tech the person. Me and tech go back to 1993 and he has hurt alot of people. I have more songs that are not dissin tech but just tellin the truth about what has happened between him and I. When you here them you may understand, you may not.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: SOE (Hit me up on myspace for a free sampler cd)
Date: Jun 1, 2007 12:29 PM
im not beefin or anythin, but why diss tech, like your verse was good on now its on but his was better no offense.i just think you shouldnt start shit when he did nothin to you at all