STOP THE RIAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Aug 8, 2002
I don't feel sorry for artists who sell 3 million copies of an album and only bring in 15%.......that's not my problem. Their management should have gotten them a better deal. I certanly feel most artists deserve much more than they recieve right now. I mean how many more beach side houses does Puffy need? Can't he kick down a couple extra dollars to "Da Band" wait, they are fucking terrible and all deserve to be shot.....forget that idea. But you see what i'm getting at.

I think i've purchased well over 400 cds at upwards to 15-19 bucks a pop from about 1992 til 1999.....then it was all downloading. Much more than half of those albums have 1 or 2 good songs on i pretty much bought 200 songs that i liked for about 15 bucks a piece. That's $3000 folks....enough to get me out of debt right now. The music industry made a killing off people like me in the 90's....but now the music industry wants to make a killing off people like me again, buy suing, because i dont buy albums anymore.

I'm perfectly happy knowing that countless record execs are having to buy a new benz every year instead of every 6 months now because millions of people are "stealing" from them.

If the RIAA has such a huge problem with people "stealing" music, then why dont they make it harder to "steal" the music?

Music stores put in anti-theft devices to keep people from stealing cds, why doesn't the RIAA do something about the people who supply the great amount of music that is leaked to the internet.

And what about artists who's albums have been scrapped because someone inside the record company leaked the album to the internet killing potential album sales (see ras kass, 50 cent, cormega). Sometimes people need to stop placing the blame on the first person they see and start figuring out who the real bad people are.

Boy i cant wait for the MPAA to really start going nuts over movie bootlegging in about 4 years.
Aug 26, 2002
artist and those head executives are not the only ones who eat off an album...................$18 or more for a cd is retarded......Blame the stores.........but yall still stealing
Jan 16, 2003
i was gonna steer clear from this post now cause i pretty much got the idea from both sides but i just remembered somethin

one of you said that the artists get like 15 cents of the album bought or 15% of the deal or somethin like that how it'z so wrong to download instead of supporting these artists who make little to no money or somethin like that

so if i download, the artist doesn't get paid for that album

however, if i buy a used cd, the artist and the company still doesn't get paid

but buying used cds are ok how come?

it'z funny, book authors recognized that problem textbooks go for hundreds of dollars but how many times do we have to buy the "latest editition" most of them are the same except for a few details here and there and more often the questions are changed....authors do this so that students won't buy textbooks for cheaper cause they'll have to buy the most recent stuff and spend 120 buckz for it instead of 50 buckz for a used edition

now there's also the argument, if i buy a used cd from someone, the person selling the used cd had to have bought it at one time or another....the person givin out the album online also had to buy it at one time or another, so again where's the confusion?

there's probably more i could say but i'm tired and my back hurts plus i gotta buy a book for college....figures

Jan 16, 2003
also, how you gonna blame the stores for sellin cds at 18 bucks yea some stores like fye have it for ridiculously high prices 25 buckz for 1 cd sometimes that'z just bullshit but the industry is also the ones who sell it to the stores at high prices most places don't sell music for so cheap because it'z already costing them 15 or somethin buckz per cd they sell, and they have to make a profit of course so it'll be higher

places like best buy, circuit city and the wiz probably can sell for cheaper because of the fact they buy a lot in wholesale packages the more of an item you buy the cheaper per item it gets

and there was also a bit goin on about best buy payin some companies to actually sell their cds cheaper best buy is the only place i've ever seen so far (in ny and nj at least) that has cds for 12 and 13 buckz i rarely ever see a cd for more than 15 i went to sam goody they had the brotha lynch hung lynch by inch the double album with the dvd and all sam goody sold that shit for 20 buckz best buy sold it for 12 also, i think normal price for that shit is closer to 14

i think some are the stores fault and some are the industry's fault

either 50/50 or industry at 65 stores at 35

with the way stores like sam goody and fye may be suffering because of downloaders and "forced high prices", i would imagine if they could they'd definately be lowering prices here in ny, we already lost a few music stores we lost a musicland and a coconuts and i think a sam goody somewhere and that'z in staten island we don't have that many places up in here

get my drift?
Nov 14, 2002
Best Buy doesn't sell their cd's cheaper because they buy in bulk. They sell cd's cheaper because they make most of their money on electronics and cd's are just shit they sell on the side. Circut City sells cd's for 13 bucks and they have maybe a row of cd's to choose from.

The industry is the one who sets the SRP which are too high in the first place, and the stores use that as a basis and then add 5 bucks.

My point has always been, that if it weren't for mp3's there are a lot of artists out there who I would never have even heard of, let alone bought their cd's.

I think that record sales as a whole are probably just about the same, but record sales from major labels have diminished a bit because now instead of buying the same 3 rap albums that the entire world is going to buy (due to marketing) they can spend their cash on a cd from an indie label and listen to something original. I don't know who to blame, but I know the stores and record companies sure as hell aren't offering me any deals on cd's to get me to shop there. They basically all got together, locked the price on a standard 20 bucks and none of us really have any option but to pay it if we want a cd...

If the record companies really cared so much about digital music and piracy, they should go back to selling cassettes or vinyl, and shut the fuck up.
Apr 25, 2002
skeptikaltruth said:
however, if i buy a used cd, the artist and the company still doesn't get paid
See, if someone sells you a used cd, they just sold you their cd, it's no longer in their possession. That's completely different than someone giving you and a million other users online the mp3 tracks to that cd for free.

If I wanted to buy a cd and sell it to every human on earth, I'd have to buy enough copies of that cd for everyone...or I could just buy 1 and pass it around online in mp3 to the whole world and nobody would have to buy that cd except me(which is illegal and would kill the music industry).

That's how come buying used cds is ok...people are still paying for all those new copies.
Jan 12, 2003
I'm not concerned about Puffy or the likes of them, when you got it like that, you will sell a hell alot of Cds, and fuck whoever they put out. But you people are not really mainstream types so they people you are hurting are the up and comming and underground people you love so much. Some of you are full of shit to say some cds only have a few good songs, and you still download a cd and bump that shit everyday and still dont go cop the cd. and then make copies for you friends, so that a bunch of bull shit. so save that shit right there. I said if you download a cd and play that shit more than twice then you owe it to them to cop that shit and a lot of you dont,
"Warning the opinions of 4ever are her opinions and not that of Tech and Strange Music"

What pisses me off is the so called Hardcore fan who just supports the shit out of you and loves your music so much they come to your signing with a burned cd, and you all know Techs Cd is you can play all the way through. Tech started the Fti thing saying that people will download a great cd and then they will buy it, me myself dont feel that way i think people are a bunch of cheap assholes. That if they get a good one, more props for them hey they got it for free,and theydont go buy it. Thats whats gets me. Every person i love as a artist i have got there cd, and everything else i buy very carefully. Or get others peoples opinions, and with that i have maybe got 2 bads ones out of maybe 30, so thats not so bad.

And for those people who sign bad deals, most dont know, and will do that to get out and get heard, hell a lot of rappers come from nothing, and still anit got shit, and they want a chance to make money, doing what they love or is good at, and when you come from that you might just do anything to get a shot. So in my book there is nothing wrong with that, still very sad to see. So i still support them
Jan 12, 2003
i hear ya on the point about buying the albums of those artist that you really like. I can say off the top of my head that the only cd's i can even think of that i actually buy are Linkin Park's, Eminem's, and Tech's. All the rest, know how i do.
Jan 12, 2003
That all my point is you bump it, buy it. an in the meantime if the Riaa or whoever gets at you.

Then that sucks for youuuuu!

and Fairfield isent that where the Kansas is Gay and Tech's worships the devil, is from?
Aug 8, 2002
COME ON REIGN.......don't tell me you never bought a cd and it only had 1 or 2 good songs on it and you felt cheated because you dropped $24 dollars on the double CD that you could only get like maybe 6 bucks back if you took it to CD Wherehouse and sold it to them.

I'm not trying to justify my downloading of music by stating the fact that i bought damn near 500 CDs from 1992-2000 at about $17 bucks a pop. Just stating facts. I'm broke as fuck right now, so I have to choose wisely when it comes to purchasing a cd. Thats where the downloading of mp3's comes in handy......just like the whole FTI deal worked.....get a sample and if I like it i'll buy it.....if not i'll just archive it for a rainy day.

And I DO buy what I bump.....

Current rotation:
E-40 "Breakin News"
Tech N9ne "Anghellic"
Fat Tone "The Stick Up Kid"
Vell Bakardy "Big Boom Theory"
Big Boy Levar "The 2nd Coming"
Neptunes "Clones"
Yukmouth "Godzilla"
Outkast "Speakerboxx/Love Below"
That good John Denver's Greatest Hits

all original copies.....except for that Outkast which isn't out yet...i'll be putting an AJ on that when it drops...and the "John Denver" for obvious reasons.
Oct 6, 2002
The free downloading worked for Tech, Strange let people down load the album for free and I will admit I was thinking they had all lost there minds, I thought for sure album sales would stop and it would be the end but it did not go like that at all . The sales went up and the albums are still selling like crazy. Tech has 2 albums in the top 200 on billboard and you know there are not alot of artist that can say there shit held on like that for so damn long. I do not burn cds, nor do I ever buy cds because I got tired of getting a cd and it having just a couple of good songs and the rest being GARBAGE! I do not care how much money a person does or does not have that is wrong and the big labels do not give a shit at all. Maybe artist will start putting out better music and then people would stop feeling so taken advantage of and be more inclined to go buy there albums instead of downloading.
well said....... Im looking forward to all Tech's future releases and we just know there gonna be the shit! But if it wasn't for the whole FTI thing a lot of people wouldn't of had the fortune of hearing Tech.

Its defently dropping the money for an artist like Tech and whether or not he "blows up", or not i believe strongly that all of us in this forum will keep supporting him. Underground or mainstream, not matter what Tech is the best......peace
Nov 14, 2002
People who's albums I will always purchase, even if I haven't heard anything off the cd...

Tech N9ne
Marilyn Manson
Guns N Roses

Anyone else, I'll listen to the cd or a few MP3's... Why?? Because these artists have proven to put out quality shit from day one. Even if they put out something that sucked, I'd buy it anyhow just because I want them to have my fifteen cents for what they did earlier.

It's obvious that the market has spread thinner from the major labels and spread out to the smaller labels due to MP3's, and simply put, the major labels are putting pressure on the RIAA to take some action. I personally think that people should straight fight the RIAA as a whole, and do away with it all together. Then if the individual labels want to take legal action against 12 year old girls, they can feel free to deal with the court costs and the bad publicity and see how it affects their sales...

Then they can decide whether it's worth it to fuck with one person at a time out of billions of downloaders, and still deal with the publicity. I think maybe the labels should just get used to not selling so much, although I don't understand how MP3's can fuck sales up so much and 50 Cent can still sell over a million cd's in one weekend.

Maybe it's because people actually wanted the cd, unlike most everything else. Evenescence was #1 on the charts for like 7 weeks straight, and I think is still on the top 10 three months after that. Why? They're original, and they're fuckin' great...

Can someone in the industry explain to me why 50 and Evenescence (two completely different styles of music) can sell and sell and sell and sell, but somehow even though I can download their songs online, it seems that their sales haven't been affected?