The definition of 'Terrorist' is so broad, one can be deemed a terrorist for checking out books at the library, visiting 'subversive' websites, wire taps w/o evidence, they can spy on peace groups or other organizations (communist party, arab american groups, WTO,ect) and all due process is suspened and one can be detained indefinately with out ever being charged. Also, any crime is considered an act of domestic terrorism, and there is no staute of limitations on when one can be charged as a terrorist. It allows for secret court cases. It keeps all top federal officials to keep their financial records seceret and anyone who investigates can be deemed a terrorist (does this benefit anyone in BushCo?). Congress is also removed from the extridition process, thus the Dept. of Homeland Security gets to play detective, judge, and jury all alone without any one to answer to.... (this reminds me, I still need to make my thread on my Bu$hCo coup threory, and how he hellped destroy the pentagon and shift funding away from the pentagon and redirect it towards his sheriff group of good ol' boys). It also allows the Fed's to declare a state of Martial Law domestically, w/o the consent of congres, or w/o being at war. It makes 'news gathering' illegal...
The list really goes on and on...
The list really goes on and on...