when i got my dui 5 years ago it was a truckdriver that called it in on me. it was all my fault anyway, if i hadnt been racing with 3 of my friends and their cars on the highway coming back from a concert doing 100+ switching lanes passing everyone up and just bein' dumb as fuck...the cop said we would have all been fine if all 4 of our cars wasn't racing down the highway switching lanes all crazy n shit, it was the trucker that tipped him off cuz we passed him a few miles back. I blew double the legal limit and didnt even feel buzz'd/drunk at all, which is kinda scary thinking about the other times i drove drunk before that feeling ALOT more fucked up then i was when i finally got busted. there isnt a day that goes by that i dont think about what coulda been if something went horribly wrong that night, i coulda killed innocent people, myself, and my friends in my car. not even counting my other 3 friends coulda caused an accident in their cars aswell too, all because i wanted to get back home so fast.
its not worth it.