"Stealing" wireless Internet network = felony?

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Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Parapraxis said:
My neighbors, like most purchasers of wireless equipment are just morons. When i first set up the card in the box upstairs it automatically associated to the wide open linksys next door without me even touching the keyboard or mouse; a visit to whatismyip.com revealed that the IP was in the verizon dsl IP range.
That's what I'm talking about... In order to fuck off someone's morning, I literally had to drive around clicking off & on the cordless phone until I found a signal to hack from... and when the feds busted down those peoples doors, it's harder than you could imagine to convince them it wasen't you. Same goes for this technology. RETARDS like your neighbors are literally setting up a complicated networking situation they have no understanding of and can really get themselves in some SHIT... Stealing bandwidth is just the beginning. Cloning your digital phone and getting an IP is as easy as 123 as well. I thought digital was supposed to be more secure than analog because it's encrypted? Fuck, don't even get me started. I understand the mathematics involved in every encryption technology including elliptical curve cryptography and it's all just a matter of time. Especially when the implementation of such cryptography is flawed. OH BOY!


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Parapraxis said:
Ultimately, if you want to get in my wireless network that bad that you break my password go right the fuck ahead, i dont have anything to hide.
I highly doubt the average joe shit bag hacker could even break your wireless network. With the type of password you use, brute forcing that password would be a waste of time. See you in 100 years. LOL. You know what would be heat? Setting up a true multi-threaded computer system just for brute forcing passwords. 50 Dual-Core Dual CPU Symetrical Multi-Processing Motherboards daisy chained in such a way that each motherboard had it's own IO for memory, pci buses, etc... but just 1 terminal from which you could fuck shit up. If I was rich!!!!! LOL!!!



Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Mo-X, please move away from your wireless keyboard and take a break
LMAO, my bad dog... didn't mean to fuck off your thread. In response to your original thread, there's no fucking way that guy should even be in any trouble for stealing a little bandwidth... Unless he was doing super illegal activities like fucking with goverment servers through .MIL then he ain't really doing more than stealing from the store, which is a misdemeanor. But because the goverments strategy against "hackers" is to lock them up so other "hackers" won't follow suite, he's going to be made an example... good strategy, it works. But fuck Bush and the rest of them privacy stealing fuck tards.
Sep 12, 2002
mo-x said:
Do you write code? If you do we might have to get into some shit.
My skills are more computer services and network technology related -- i grew up in a house full of macs and didnt even get damn a PC until late 2001- and the reason i finally got one was cuz I got a free ride @ technical college and enrolled in the networking AAS program there. I'm not really an expert in any one specific thing, moreso just know enough general knowlege to get by. I have experience with novell and of course msft products but need to get up on the open source os technology.

No solid experience with code, I took a week crash course on VB [heh, if you even consider that 'code'] in 6th grade and hated it then. But now that I'm older I think it's time to expand in to programming... I'm constantly lookin to expand my knowlege base, but right now I'm focused on learning ms sql for my job.

We should def. get together and shoot the shit - maybe @ that bomb cafe for some grinds? you know the spot ;-)

mo-x said:
Man, I swear, we're out here fucking ourselves more and more as time goes by. Stay educated, whether you're legit or not, soak knowledge... cause the boys in blue ain't slackin like they used to be.
Nuff said, its all info warfare. Almost a totally seperate issue but IMO due to a lot of armed forces activity being info warfare and not manpower and also how far technology has come the draft should never need to be reinstated; which is why the selective service system should be eliminated and the money put to better use, like getting a bulk supply of bandaids for important things like Bush's repetitive falls off of his bike.
Apr 16, 2003
It's funny as hell how these dudes who never post here come running out of the woodwork as soon as something tech is posted. You two should circle jerk to some anime while warspying.
Jun 27, 2003
Maaan.. i do not understand a damn thing going on in this thread.. hahaha

All I know is it's fucked up that stealing some bandwidth is a felony.
Apr 16, 2003
I can see both sides because I've browsed on open wifi networks. But it becomes shitty if some dude is parked outside of your home or office downloading porn at your expense lol.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
SLY said:
@ mo-xdamn your the guy i want on my side. wouldnt wanna piss u off
I'm not even into the illegal side of things anymore, publically speaking, but I do consider myself an expert in protocol analysis, network security, and coding. I used to do all sorts of bad shit, if I was seventeen right now, Likwid wouldn't even have power, running water, or net access, and would be in jail for doing something naughty on the internet that he actually didn't do. Problem is, karma is a motherfuck and all the bad shit I did, is just now catching up with me... Ain't that a bitch?

@Likwid: It's all to the good, like I said I wasen't trying to flame and didn't mean to come at you sideways but you got alot to learn and I say that without being ego maniacal... I know alot of people doing alot of shit the marketing people say isn't possible but technically speaking is possible with a little skill and creativity. Anyways, I guess I'll go back into hiding since I only come out of the woodwork when a tech thread is posted... lol, peace.
Sep 12, 2002

Fuckin-A man, only the lucky know about the spot in the basement, your blessed that you have a homie who knew of that hidden gem and took you there....

you best know my 6'6" skinny ass frame already has the grindin' routine down... head cocked @ a 45 degree angle hunched over 2.5 inches from the plate, thumb grip all the way down the shaft of the fork and shovel like the prison work crew in cool hand luke !


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Parapraxis said:
By the way, you should keep in mind that an open access point could always be a honey pot
Oh dog... you have no idea... I have a honey pot setup on my broadband network and I haven't seen one, not one, technically proficient person try and hack my shit yet. I have an OpenBSD box acting as a Linux box (formats all the packets like a linux box, says it's a linux box, etc) and all I get is script kiddies running the latest and greatest remote Linux exploit on an OpenBSD machine!!! It's hilarious to me. Whenever some shit bag tries something malicious like an rm -rf / - I have a program that goes out, figures out what type of machine that person is running, and then runs a huge list of exploits, some public, some my own, against their machine based on processor architecture and operating system flavor and then echo the command back. If they're running windows and it's not a Unix based operating system I of course have a translation table to translate the equivilent commands to Win32... rm -rf / = FindFiles(); DeleteFile(); haha... So if you try and remove me, you're removed... LOL. I love technology.