"Stealing" wireless Internet network = felony?

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May 13, 2002
Use a wireless modem, go to jail

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Police have arrested a man for using someone else’s wireless Internet network in one of the first criminal cases involving this fairly common practice.

Benjamin Smith III, 41, faces a pretrial hearing this month following his April arrest on charges of unauthorized access to a computer network, a third-degree felony.

Police say Smith admitted using the Wi-Fi signal from the home of Richard Dinon, who had noticed Smith sitting in an SUV outside Dinon’s house using a laptop computer.

The practice is so new that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement doesn’t even keep statistics, according to the St. Petersburg Times, which reported Smith’s arrest this week.

Innocuous use of other people’s unsecured Wi-Fi networks is common, though experts say that plenty of illegal use also goes undetected: such as people sneaking on others’ networks to traffic in child pornography, steal credit card information and send death threats.

Security experts say people can prevent such access by turning on encryption or requiring passwords, but few bother or are unsure how to do so.

Wi-Fi, short for Wireless Fidelity, has enjoyed prolific growth since 2000. Millions of households have set up wireless home networks that give people like Dinon the ability to use the Web from their backyards but also reach the house next door or down the street.

It’s not clear why Smith was using Dinon’s network. Prosecutors declined to comment, and a working phone number could not be located for Smith.
Sep 28, 2004
Argh.. we have wireless here and I get on through the PC's connection for now. I have a mac Laptop. The neighbor's have wireless too, and sometimes when I sign on I don't notice that I get into their Network. I usually get onto mine as soon as I notice.. Or if mine isn't working, I use theirs... Or if there's a storm I am always paranoid that lightning will fry the system if I leave the internet on ( any validity to this? ) so I use the neighbors.


Sicc OG
Feb 18, 2004
SOAK::GAME said:
ha, i'm doin that shit right now

fuck the world
last week I was at this club and i tapped into a network near by, it usually works in downtown area, gotta love linksys!

and yes, if the user is dumb enuff too not too encrypt there connection, fuck em!
Jan 19, 2003
they're not trippin off if u tap into their network to borrow internet access, they're worried about an outside user tapping in and taking information.

i don't know where you draw the line though from using someone's unencrypted/non secured WiFi for internet use (OK) to hacking into a secure network and stealing information (not OK).


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
You guys crack me up. Where does your sense of security come from? I'm willing to bet it's from marketing and not from understanding the lower layer protocols involved in making your wireless network a reality. Do you really think your network is "secure" because you "secured" it using your super "secure" encryption methodologies? I got news for you. Your wireless network is not "secure" no matter which way you slice it. It takes less than 27 minutes to prove that. I urge you all to keep your cat 5 cables if you have sensitive information and don't want your bandwidth stolen. Ever sit there with your laptop and wonder why your internet is going so slow and yet you're the only one using it? Maybe you're using .01% of your brain and you notice the lights are just flashing up a storm on your router. You suspect something is wrong, but hey, it only happens every once in a while and goes away after an hour. Fuck it, you hit the school yard and play some basketball and come back and it's all good, right? Is it all good? No it's not. It's not going to be all good when your house gets raided at gun point by any number of government agencies and since you're already paranoid, you engage in a gun battle with them because you weren't sure who they were because you had birds in the back. Way to go. Is that case extreme? Sure. But that doesn't mean some shithead isn't lurking on your network. Keep your network local and "secure" it with some cables until the technology actually reaches a point where it's "secure" enough to stop 95% of the shitheads out there. The top 5% will always exist but they're not doing what the other 95% do. They're making the tools that disprove the companies who are marketing polished turds. That's enough rant for now. Keep it local folks.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Likwid said:
Yes you can get by the encryption, no not in 27 minutes
Oh really? What makes you think that? I'm not trying to flame here, but you don't know what you're talking about. Just because you run a little linux machine, build web sites in your spare time, support the open source FireFox browser and read the bugtraq mailing list doesn't mean you know anything about the subject of breaking encryption on wireless networks... But you're going to sit there and tell me a flawed 128-bit encryption algorithm can't be cracked in less than 27 minutes because you have all of WHAT experience doing it? Maybe we should take this conversation back to the late ninenties when 128-bit "secure" sockets layer encryption was broken in much less time than 27 minutes. Do you remember that? But hey, it can't be done cause YOU say so. Cool, I learned something new today. I think I'll goto sleep now and commit this to long term memory.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Actually I'm not trying to flame you, but you're talking out of your ass. Super Mitnick? LMAO. Have we been reading our Takedown book lately or something? Mitnick is not relevant anymore. As to your proposition, I highly doubt you could even understand the hex values flowing from the xterm window enough to actually realize what's going on, so why waste my time. Not to mention commit a felony and post the evidence to the world so I can be convicted once you snitch to the feds. Sorry, been there, done that, I don't really like being snitched on. Thanks, you do know reverse engineering is illegal, right? You and I both know you know nothing about network security, let alone wireless security. So go back to reading your bugtraq mailing list where the same smash the stack technique is overused and the shell code is stolen from aleph who wrote it 10 years ago and download those C files and get back to being a script kiddie. Move on Son, you're outclassed.
Sep 12, 2002
mo-x said:
.....It takes less than 27 minutes to prove that.
ACTUALLY you are right Mo-X; 128-bit WEP takes less than 27 minutes... 24 minutes less than 27 to crack.

X, did you read this /. article from april this year?

Likwid said:
Yes you can get by the encryption, no not in 27 minutes.
Likwid, click that /. link above and soak knowlege... if you were a color it would definately be maroon - but only if you took one of the O's and shifted it to replace the A.

If it can be done in that short a period of time by the uber-experts than some semi-amateurs can definately do it in under 27, best believe.
Sep 12, 2002
Personally, the only reason i have wireless set up was so I didnt have to drill holes in walls to run cables upstairs to the fam members box.

I do know that nothing is 100% but i use WPA-PSK with a 29 character randomly generated upper case, lower case, number, special character password. It's been proven that WPA-PSK can be dictionary attacked in under 6 minutes with a weak-sauce password. Ultimately, if you want to get in my wireless network that bad that you break my password go right the fuck ahead, i dont have anything to hide.

My neighbors, like most purchasers of wireless equipment are just morons. When i first set up the card in the box upstairs it automatically associated to the wide open linksys next door without me even touching the keyboard or mouse; a visit to whatismyip.com revealed that the IP was in the verizon dsl IP range.


Sicc OG
May 4, 2002
Parapraxis said:
X, did you read this /. article from april this year?
You already know... I was a little upset last year when that article came out. I built software of my own to crack wep months before that article even thought about appearing. And although the FBI can crack wep access points (that's bullshit they can play with it all day but the second I do I'm committing felenious activity, fuck that) in three minutes, on average it takes me 25 minutes because the only spare computer I have is an OpenBSD 3.6, AMD Athlon 800MHZ straight pooper!!!! That's pretty fuckin quick too for that old of a computer. I wrote all the core routines in x86 assembly language because the optimization that the GCC compiler provides wasen't good enough. My boy got this new dual core chip the other day, with that I bet that shits cracked in less than 3 minutes. But WEP is old technology, we both know that... I'm working on that new shit. MWAHA! :)

It's always good to talk to someone who knows what the fuck they're talking about... Good lookin Parapraxis... Do you write code? If you do we might have to get into some shit. I'm willing to bet as the public goes more and more towards wireless technologies, the government is loving it. I've had the secret service posted outside my house in their white vans with their high tech surveillance equipment monitoring the phone line for activity through the local telco before and that just sucks for them... So I bet these guys are trying to crack every new technology that hits the market before anyone else so that when they do have to do surveillance on someone who is doing "cybercrime" they can easily monitor and gather evidence through the wireless access points. Man, I swear, we're out here fucking ourselves more and more as time goes by. Stay educated, whether you're legit or not, soak knowledge... cause the boys in blue ain't slackin like they used to be.