philwasted said:
I will give ya a great break down Hot money love and the Static are the only place that will book you kats I work at bouth as a in house promoter. Pmala White good freind of min books for Canes, Chirs Strickland 4th and B good freind as well, HOB Kandas I know her well too so its pretty simple you all want to do show and make money so do I but no one else is fucking with you. On street shit I am not gang member So I am just going to handle shit Super serious you feel me I like my life very much and if it comes down to my life or another "nigga" than you bet your ass i am going to be breathing in the end. But even junk will tell you I have always payed him.
look man imma end it here cuz this isnt really my business, im just trying to put you in perspective.
You arent the only person who knows the owner of hot monkey love, or 4th and B, or HOB. All you did was capitalize on your buddy list. Great. Thats commonly referred to as "business networking".
Dont think your special, like without you san diego rap wouldnt get booked.what you need to do is realize the spot your in, and capitalize on it.
and the way you act, and im basing this offa seeing you when you started promoting in diego on siccness...someones gonna stomp you into chitlins, man. like if you doin somethin big, dont get bigheaded along wih it.
you fuckin with gangsta rap. a square will bomb on you over this.
promoters come and go.....because they cant respect the craft..