Like i said before i would rather see a few all out fans, than a couple of drop ins, Not saying we wouldent welcome anyone who enters. I just feel there is a little to much made of this. I would be happy just to see the (Dick riding, and hating shit go by the wasteside) but other that that its all fun.
The reason the big wigs dont post so often is because they are really busy, ya know running a business, Nick you make it so easy for them not to post, you get all the shit right off the presses. I'm here to keep the man posted, but found i like the people on here. Its not the bullshit that makes them go away, its usually cause they got ate up.l
I think we have it all, imformation with a little humor added to the mix. When the people feel there are enough(BIG THINGS} going on they will be back, or unless that want to here it from the horses mouth, meaning unless Tech is on here they wont come. But many a night he reads and saids, hey you guys got it covered.
If you have a life live it, but dont say its because of bullshit, say you got other things to do than play with the kids cause i here a lot of {in the know slang to write a book} Hell what good is the news, if a naked guy doesent run across the field, you live for that shit.
In a nut shell the threats, got to stop, the hating, and dick riding, other than that, i really dont have a problem, unless the shit it directed at me, Then we got a problem.