Ah...here we are.....9 months into our stay here at the siccness.net. And I would like to extend great thanks to Curbie, Vamps and everyone associated with the siccness. And also say that I'm sorry and extremely dissapointed for the bullshit that has cluttered this board.
I'm not gonna name any names....well.....fuck it.......yeah I am.
I come with Easter presents for all....
Zer0.MediA, TheVille31, JayDub816, Delgado, JUSTIN, fuckoff....the list goes on.....
There is a forum here for bullshit posts......and your posts aren't counted so you dont look like such a loser cause you have 10 posts a day that are all about pointing out each others character flaws.
Ok.....got the bullshit covered.
Now.....the sports posts....that usually turn into WW3....and I blame myself here.
You political folks......i know there are a few of you. There is a board called Gathering of the Minds....but bewarned they will eat you up if you come with the bullshit you post in here.
For the wannabe rappers......Flows. Plain and simple.
You wonder why all these "true siccness" members come crackin on ya? Step back and look at how gay you make this board look.
Classic Strange Board post. A good topic, strong arguements that get turned into a shit slinging fight by tossing the words "faggot" and "nutrider" around. 84 replies and 3 solid pages of bullshit. Congrats to all who ruined a good post there. Heat Myser said he posted that just to show how much bullshit this board could throw around. You proved him right.
Now I stand back and wait to be put on blast....no i wont....i'll respond to all comments before you can make them just to save some time and BANDWITH (hahahaha)
"nick, what would this board be without the bullshit" - a respected one
"nick, the bullshit is what makes the board fun" - I like having fun...just not a real big fan of sitting on this board for my source of fun like some of you.
"nick, you're a fucking hypocrite. you post just as much bullshit as the rest of us" - yeah......but my bullshit is funny and 95% of the time covers "REAL LIFE" experiences. Unlike some of you.
I remember when this board used to be interesting. I remember when all these people used to post frequently.....
Rob from Chapman
Tone and Will from 5150
Icy Roc
Lynch Hung - remember the 1 time he posted here and you all chased him away by talkin shit on him about how Tech was tighter than him? Yeah...that makes ya look pretty bad doesnt it?
The list goes on and on and on........
Me, Swick, Maszive, Heat Myser.....we all used to give people facts about Tech and answer peoples questions. Now, Swick is too busy closing posts, Heat Myser doesn't want to drag 70 Mile's name through the bullshit and Maszive is strictly on the funny shit now. For myself....I still try to answer any questions I can, and post news.....but those posts usually turn into fights between people who live 2000 miles away. So I'm thinking...."whats the point?"
Thats all for now.
Your moderator,
I'm not gonna name any names....well.....fuck it.......yeah I am.
I come with Easter presents for all....
Zer0.MediA, TheVille31, JayDub816, Delgado, JUSTIN, fuckoff....the list goes on.....
There is a forum here for bullshit posts......and your posts aren't counted so you dont look like such a loser cause you have 10 posts a day that are all about pointing out each others character flaws.
Ok.....got the bullshit covered.
Now.....the sports posts....that usually turn into WW3....and I blame myself here.
You political folks......i know there are a few of you. There is a board called Gathering of the Minds....but bewarned they will eat you up if you come with the bullshit you post in here.
For the wannabe rappers......Flows. Plain and simple.
You wonder why all these "true siccness" members come crackin on ya? Step back and look at how gay you make this board look.
Classic Strange Board post. A good topic, strong arguements that get turned into a shit slinging fight by tossing the words "faggot" and "nutrider" around. 84 replies and 3 solid pages of bullshit. Congrats to all who ruined a good post there. Heat Myser said he posted that just to show how much bullshit this board could throw around. You proved him right.
Now I stand back and wait to be put on blast....no i wont....i'll respond to all comments before you can make them just to save some time and BANDWITH (hahahaha)
"nick, what would this board be without the bullshit" - a respected one
"nick, the bullshit is what makes the board fun" - I like having fun...just not a real big fan of sitting on this board for my source of fun like some of you.
"nick, you're a fucking hypocrite. you post just as much bullshit as the rest of us" - yeah......but my bullshit is funny and 95% of the time covers "REAL LIFE" experiences. Unlike some of you.
I remember when this board used to be interesting. I remember when all these people used to post frequently.....
Rob from Chapman
Tone and Will from 5150
Icy Roc
Lynch Hung - remember the 1 time he posted here and you all chased him away by talkin shit on him about how Tech was tighter than him? Yeah...that makes ya look pretty bad doesnt it?
The list goes on and on and on........
Me, Swick, Maszive, Heat Myser.....we all used to give people facts about Tech and answer peoples questions. Now, Swick is too busy closing posts, Heat Myser doesn't want to drag 70 Mile's name through the bullshit and Maszive is strictly on the funny shit now. For myself....I still try to answer any questions I can, and post news.....but those posts usually turn into fights between people who live 2000 miles away. So I'm thinking...."whats the point?"
Thats all for now.
Your moderator,