therez a difference between givin propz & thankin sumbody for givin 411 and rydin their nutz. u alwayz talkin bout "damn thatz gonna be hella heatd" and bullshyt lyke that. u swing off every artizt on thiz board. lay off tha nut sacz.
and how tha fuck can u take tha tyme to TyPe LyKe ThIz AlL ThA FuCkIn TyMe???? hahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha. WEAK.
listen to Leader. lil kidz who are not black (but think they are) shouldnt be sayin "ni69a" get a new word wannabe.
i feel you but everyonez tellin foolz not to say nigga. but why should anyone trip if it aint offending them?!! most black people dont trip! not tryin to defend anyone! just my opinion.
Originally posted by FUCK YOU BITCH
I do, its not offending me but its retarded.