Not so great gatsby quit hatin trick!! Stanton is the best lefty reliever out there!! Nowadays the market prices are high and u should know that!! As good as A-Rod is, he got 250 million! He aint worth that shit!! 3 million aint shit to the Mets for the best lefty middle reliever! And u say they may sometimes face 1 batter, shit there are 162 games a year, so add up the batters he faces in key situations and tell me 3 million is that overpaid!! Get outta here wit dat shit mane!! And yes u Dodger fans cant talk, cause K. Brown is boo boo, and way overpaod so fuck yall as well!! And if he was healthy he wouldnt be a top 5 pitcher fool!! He would barely evern try to be a top 5 in the national league alone, let alone addin the al pitchers!! GOT EM!!!