im gonna put it like this i dont give a fuk what anyone sayz on here the streets is another story compared to the net or the mic. you might ban this lil ene for speakin his mind. but in return the homie might just ban you from the streets forever. you know what ene i aint even gonna hate on you becuz we both repping the same side and the same color but if you ever call me an ese again im gonna have to roll through stockton and handle it.. i didnt disrespect you but by you calling me that itz like you sayin im a scrap? i dont know how you were raized in stockton homie but up here in the 408 vatos get checked for that shit. its all good on this side though ene cause like i said you got red shoe laces, i got red shoe laces theres no purpose in us fucking with eachother cuz thats going against the whole struggle. and thatz too exterminate these fuckin ratz that are infesting our streetz and barrios with their flu bullshit. and about tookie he still wears blue homeboy i cant fuck with that. i dont care how you look at it a vato would think hes a scrapa before hes a northern warrior and you know thatz real. fuck it.