who gives a fuck?? and that aint even to diss your opinion 310, but im just sayin in general, who gives a fuck that he's really from the hood? do you know how many niggaz is REALLY FROM THE HOOD???!! its prolly a million gangbangers dope dealers and pimps in the world. what makes a nigga "real" is when he can enlighten others thru speaking on his situation and experiences. not just tell you OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN that he's "really from the hood". im supposed to still give a fuck if a nigga has been shot or been to jail? after i done had my house raided by the whole fuckin swat team? after i dun faced life sentences twice?? after seein a gang of different homies bullet wounds and going to countless funerals? im not sayin spider loc is a fake nigga, im just sayin for a nigga like me, thats just everyday bullshit he's talkin about.
nwa, snoop, dpg, eight, mac 10, wc, quik, and a GRIP of other pioneers have already covered that ground. at this point in the game, if youre not putting some real substance in your music, im not really interested and its fuckin up the rap game cuz its boring. i dont know how yall feel about it, but i think if rap dont come up with a powerful movement soon, its gonna really phase out as a whole for a while (as far as mass appeal to the consumers goes, not to real rap fans)
i think spider loc is just another rapper. and he's always angry. like a wrestler.