I know how it should be done and the best way to do it. Start a thread where people list classic South songs, that they would want on this CD. From there compile a big list of Songs that people requested, give each song people listed one point for how many times some body posts it. From their add it up and look at where the votes start to drop off between the pool of songs. Say a bunch of Songs get nominated, make a cut off of say about the 40-50 songs that people requested most. From there post a poll with the Songs that made it, allow people say 5 song selections out of the 40 to 50 selections per person in the poll. Leave the poll open for awhile and at the end of the poll, thats when you decide how many tracks make the CD. Say 12 tracks get the majority of the vote then make it a 12 track CD, Say 14 songs get the most a large percentages of votes make it 14 or so on. If it's real close between say 14, 15, 16 songs make the cut off at the 80 min limit of a CDR. I think that would be the best way.