Mr. ViNN707 said:
Some people on here think that if your mexican you should put on a poncho and ride a donkey with your soc's pulled all the way up to your nut sack while sporting the sandles from the mexican market.
And some people think white people are all squares and that halfbreeds aren't shit and that if you can't correctly spell the word sock that you have some sort of mental disability.
Mr. ViNN707 said:
I personally don't see any thing wrong with keepin it cholo but I personally grew out of that style back around 96 - 97.
Funny thing how some people grow out of trends. People grow out of gangbanging, wearing this, talking like this, doing that, etc. It seems some people are only doing what they think seems cool or "in" and then quitting when its out of style. Others do things because they dont care that others have to say.
Mr. ViNN707 said:
So the chicano's who choose to stick to that look and attitude think the chicano's who dont want to be black people.
And the other's think chicano's that chose the chicano style are scraps. But if they are Chicano doesnt it make sense to stick to a chicano style?
Mr. ViNN707 said:
Also I think alot of the chicanos who think like that come from small towns with not alot of black people in them so there is a large mexican influance in the community.
San Jose is huge, its got lots of black people, Mexicans, whites, etc. But I hardly see doo rags on Mexican's.
Mr. ViNN707 said:
Where as the chicanos from Oakland and San Francisco or any other large urban community have a more divers style and mixture of culture and style.
Let me ask you this because it seems that people keep saying Mexican's just adapted to their sorounding because of where they grew up and other crap like that, but here is my question to you. How come the only one's that had to adapt were the Mexicans? How come the black homeboys didnt adapt? How come they dont speak in Spanglish or Spanish?