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May 5, 2006
I dont get how the Spurs kept their team in San Antonio when Bennett tried to move em to OK, but in the same exact case the Sonics failed to keep the team in Seattle. Damn near the same shit happend, where the owners always intended to move the team to Oklahoma City and made no effort to stay. Thats bullshit right there, Fuck Stern
Nov 24, 2003
I dont get how the Spurs kept their team in San Antonio when Bennett tried to move em to OK, but in the same exact case the Sonics failed to keep the team in Seattle. Damn near the same shit happend, where the owners always intended to move the team to Oklahoma City and made no effort to stay. Thats bullshit right there, Fuck Stern

There have been some great articles on on how seattle was "held hostage" and this is bullshit that could happen to any city.
May 9, 2002
Its becuase Bennett is a liar, and Schultz is a slimy piece of shit. THATS how this all happened.

BUT, if the city and state had not IGNORED the talks of an upgrade over the last 5 years, this never would have happened in the first damn place.

There are ALOT of different people to point the finger at.
Apr 25, 2002
Its becuase Bennett is a liar, and Schultz is a slimy piece of shit. THATS how this all happened.

BUT, if the city and state had not IGNORED the talks of an upgrade over the last 5 years, this never would have happened in the first damn place.

There are ALOT of different people to point the finger at.
Absolutely, cocksucker #1 Schultz, cocksucker #2 Stern, cocksucker #3 Bennett.

But the most depressing part of it to me is that those 3 people it's not really their job to stand up for you and me, but the government folks, that is their fucking job, and they didn't do it. We were fucked either way, so the only small solace we could've gotten would have been to just give them the finger, force them to stay 2 more years, and then move on. But those fucking pussies in the city council didn't even give us this satisfaction.

And the fact that Nickels and the city council had the nerve to SMILE & LAUGH at their press conference, and that Nickels had the nerve to mention SEATTLE U & CONCERTS just offends the absolute living shit out of me. I've never felt so let down by a group of politicians in my entire life. Call me lucky in that none of the national bullshit's ever affected me, call me lucky b/c I've never been at risk of going to war etc....but in my little world (and a lot of you guys too I can tell), this was a fucking big deal.

All of the Seattle people vote everybody out in the fall, all of the Washington people vote Gregoire out in the fall. I don't even give a shit if Dino is a dousche bag, I think he's more likely to bring the team back then that whore who's running the state now.
Apr 25, 2002
And another extremely depressing part of this is that on September 15th Oklahoma is going to march right into Husky Stadium and kick the shit out of UW b/c they've got a soft-cock "molder of men" who doesn't know how to win football games.

If UW can somehow manage to shit on OU on that day, that will make the bad feeling go away just for 1 day. Long live Jake.