lol.. nobody know gods real name.. and the people who think they do are fuckin' up this world... and it sure ain't' in no fucken book... wtf is goin' on here.
is that in the bible?.. 'cause i don't own one.. maybe someone will let me know what it says.. ' cause you kinda bein' a dick.. tryna push your book on me.. HA. but really i couldn't give a shit less if it is in the bible.. sorry.
Yes it is in the bible and I ain't trying to push nothing on you homie so chill. I'm just telling you that if you want to know it's in the bible and trying to show you where.
If you believe in a diety, you're a little bit screwed in the brain. It's ok though guys, don't worry, youll go to your "heaven" when you die and can laugh at me who will be stuck in purgatory. Lolz.
Yes it is in the bible and I ain't trying to push nothing on you homie so chill. I'm just telling you that if you want to know it's in the bible and trying to show you where.
Henry Hyde didnt need a god, guys, he "soldiered on", whatever the fuck that means. I love the media, lets support this guy but then make every rapper look like a criminal.