Sundaravarman was a Tamil king who settled Singapore. He had 3 sons: one went to Malaysia, one to Cambodia and one to Thailand. The last son was named Premavarman; even today Prema is a common Thai name. Thai script is the old Tamil script. (The South-east Asian countries like Siam, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Laos whose culture is entirely Vedic are left out from this compilation.)
In Cambodia there is famous Angkor Vat (literally "sprout of banyan tree") and its surrounding area is still called Aranya Pradesh. Ruins of this prosperous city spread over an area of 100 kilometers. There are sculptures of Brahma- Visnu-Siva, scenes from the Churning of the Milk Ocean, etc. In the ruins have been found numerous deities and inscriptions with the names and exploits of Indian kings like Suryavarma and Jayavarma who ruled over the region.