i knew where it was you retard, what did that have to do with what homie said?
he was talkin about a chick he smoked with in london who hadnt heard of swishers cuz the east coast is known for dutchess
now lemme explain sumthing you shitty little 4th grader, when sumone says sumthing, and you mention sumthing from a different STATE...you are geographically wrong
now please, shut the fuck up and go crawl in your corner boy
you asking me if i didnt know it was on the east coast, is like sayin i dont know i need to breathe to live you dumb fuck
chick from london is geographically different from you in CT, got it?
and i dont care how close NYC, its not fuckin called hartford, NY idiot, please stop fuckin talkin to me you imbecile