you must know someone who works for comcrap then. i pay $44.95 for my net, been paying that for 5 years, even though comcast's normal fee is like $52. I don't have cable or anything.
whoever has been giving you your info is correct. When it was time warner, I don't think i had a single connection issue for a good 1.5 - 2 years. after the switch, it is a bi-weekly thing. about a month ago i had some stupid issue where my net would die for like 10 seconds, then come back up for anywhere from 10 seconds to 5 mins, then die again for 10 seconds. that continued for like 6 hours, then stopped. everything was going good and then it started doing the shit again a few hours later for the next 2 days. called comcast and after the standard "Unplug your modem/router for 1 min then plug them back in" response, the tech guy said there was nothing he could do and he would put in a ticket to have a field team come out the look at it. about 2 hours later it stopped and has not done it since. i was half tempted to demand a free month of service for my hassle, but i know they would never go for that.