pac-10 non conference record
76 wins-27 losses,last 3 years-against non conference teams
194 players on opening day nfl rosters
2 less team then the big12 and s.e.c.(how you gonna say most in top25?dipshit)give us colorado n we got 4 now!
1 less team then the big 10
rankings of teams with nfl players:
T-1. Florida 39*example
9. USC 29
15. Arizona State 25
T-16. UCLA 24
T-18. California 22
T-21. Washington 21
T-26.Stanford 19
T-36. Arizona 16
T-36. Oregon 16
T-39. W.S.U 15
T-72. Oregon St. 7
real stats-real talk
Lombardi Award Winner:Terrell Suggs-Arizona St.
Outland Trophy Winner :Rian Long-Washington St. Cougars
Heisman Trophy Winner:Carson Palmer yeee uh!!
Top 2 conference in college football-SEC N Pac10 baybay
One of 2 conferences with 2 BCS Teams.
Give me NFL numbers...then come fuck with me buffoons
Bammer,the greatest mind of the sports forum!!!