to achieve-that-crap he spitz it takez him hourz, and it'z still-sorry/
they give him propz, but tha only thing hiz rhymez can "kill" iz an already "ill"-party/
wut tha hell iz he suppozed to be? a gangzta or a muthafuckin-BITCH?/
bcuz he triez to be a G.... but tha shit he kickz iz for nothin-but-chickz/
illest lines from fatal...
look lett me break it down to you YOUR STYLES JUST WACK...All you do is name various ways to kill people knowing you nevered twisted a cap BACK...I'll leave you HUNG like lynch or'a big dick sinse i seem to always find you at the end of it...Ive heard your audio, that mubled voice cant rap, stay reppin norte on the inter-nit...Just to be fair i'll give you one vote to begin with, that means thas one vote you'll end with...Now go tell people ima love sick puppy always tryna commit suicide wita 4-5 i bought from the ghetto gunsmith...
illest bars from smurf...
imma hafta say fatal took this... it was a battle of fillers... cuz both had some pretty hard hitting personals... but i think smurf had a bit too much filler i wasn't really feeling... fatal, some bars coulda done without... the cable-rip thing you've pretty much done before... all the gay references...
but dope battle right here tho...
id have to say fatal edged this...