God your such a fucking whiny girl yes juggalos have ruined your concert going experiences as it has us all at some point i'm sure. So wipe the sand out the ole vag and express a opinion other than one that's not already common knowledge...
lmao...pretty much all your post have something to do with defending juggalos. So who is whining now? And who is expressing an opinion other than something already common knowledge now, which is that juggalos get mad when you state THE TRUTH. YOU. thank you come again.
Its my fuckin opinion (and the majority of the human race) that juggalos are stupid, immature, stinky, and annoying people. Kirb has learned not to take juggalo shit to heart cuz he knows HES AN EXCEPTION. If you dont feel like you are a stupid immature, stinky and annoying person then this should not affect you. I know some juggalos or juggalo affiliates why do you think i was at a KMK concert? And you know what i told the people that brought me "Man this place stinks, the mosh pits are wack and juggalos are stupid." And you know what he said to me " Yes i agree but its not all of us. Just the majority." And i said cool and we went on and had a good time.
So dont come at me like my opinion isnt EDUCATED. And i will never stop bitching about juggalos at tech concerts cuz it RUINED my favorite artist concerts. So if you dont like it come to a KC concert, go join your juggalos in a mosh pit, and i will say it to all of you while spraying febreze in your general direction.
Maybe i should say the black dude at techs concerts screaming blood this and blood that jumpin around is annoying too. Maybe then i wouldnt be so bias. Maybe i wouldnt hurt your feelings. LMAO its not just juggalos, but they are the majority at tech concerts acting a FOOL.
Its just so funny how you NEVER post but the minute something juggalo comes up you post and you have juggalo in your name.
You was obviously very offending by the statement to post. You gotta love when you get under someones skin over the internet. sad
And if you dont like it, i heard they are very pro juggalo over at this place called therealtechn9ne.com and they would love for you to post juggalo shit everyday. Please go.