Thanks for sharing about the strike history in your family. This tells me you obtain some knowledge of what the working class can achieve. Even though these are miniature in comparison to previous strikes in our own country and others as well, it still provides a valuable lesson.
Many people have the same mentality as you: "Yes, a revolution will occur...just not in my lifetime"
It was only 30 years ago in our own country when, believe it or not, amerika was on the brink of revolution. People don't understand just how close we really were to radical transformation. There were literally thousands of left wing groups and organizations that worked together: the anti-war movement, the civil rights movement, the Black Panthers, the Gay and Lesbian movement, the woman’s movement, the Labor movement etc. etc. etc. The list went on and on. There were hundreds of strikes across the country as well as thousands of protests. Why do you think the government had operations such as
COINTELPRO? Because they saw what was happening and they feared the movement. As in the case with all Capitalist societies, violence is the last resort in protecting the capital.
And if you think times are much different now you’re absolutely wrong. There is turmoil amongst the working class, a huge anti-war movement, a huge gay and lesbian movement etc. etc. etc.
What's going to happen if Kerry wins the election? At first, there will be a false impression that things are better, but it's not going to be like Clinton because Clinton never had an Iraq or a war on terrorism. Kerry is going to have to make tough, very unpopular decisions right off the bat and the people are going to see that the Democratic Party lied just like the Bush Admin lied. The anti-war movement will continue as well as the other movements.
There hasn’t been this much unrest in america since 60's and 70's.