stalk you? i roam theze flowz boardz on my tyme away from work (lyke ryght now, itz my "lunch hour" at three in tha morning) cuz thatz wut i lyke, you juzt happened to be here claimin you're good. once again im not tryna be mean but you make it hard to respect anything you say when we both know you wont win thiz. sure you can dream, but keep it to yourself. you act lyke you're all good when in reality your shyt iz mediocre AT BEZT. i dont know how many tymez we gotta tell you, you're not tyght.
and you should really change your sig. nobody on your "win" record iz any good. you have MORE than 2 lossez. and thoze "undecided battlez or tiez" iz plain stupid. i bet folkz juzt didnt vote cuz i know TiM C and SAM SAVAGE would murder your ass.
you're tryna make yourself look sick....juzt let your flowz show it, that iz if you have tha talent to do so. and so far it doeznt look lyke you do.