sig bet 4 Lakers/Kings 1/31 whos down

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May 19, 2002
Nitro I guarantee u wouldnt tell me to shut up to my face!! Who u tryin to fool?? This is internet shit, u can say what u want on here, but me & u both know if it was real deal shit, u would run like a bitch trust me!!! By the way your bitch ass fakers lost and Ko-Me choked like always in the 4th!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
We both know huh? I know I will call you a bitch to your face and laugh. So if we both know that, then end of subject. Like you said its the internet, so why you trying to tell people I would run, have you ever seen me? Why you talkin' about Kobe here dog? LMAO Choked? He hit a three point shot with seconds remaining to keep them in it, quit feeding these people who didnt see the game lies kid. Got You!
May 19, 2002
Dogg i aint even gonna internet fight with u cause u are a wimp and I would knock yo bitch ass out, so u can say what u want, cause I know u just hiding behind a computer so its all good!! But back to the game... If u would have watched the game idiot, u would have known that Ko-Me didnt do jack in the 4th quarter until he hit that 3 pointer late!! Like I said in the other thread, he was havin a real good game until he dissapeared in the 4th!! Dont get mad at me cause your boy is chokin this year!! GOT EM!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
This is internet shit, u can say what u want on here
Dogg i aint even gonna internet fight with u cause u are a wimp and I would knock yo bitch ass out, so u can say what u want, cause I know u just hiding behind a computer so its all good!!
AMEN! Lets just go with the notion we both agree on, and that is internet fighting is pointless. If you saw a picture of me, then said this shit, thats another story. For all you really know, I could be your father, so kill all this mess. Clearly I got you MAD this time,more so then anyone has in the history of this board. In 2 different posts, I had your ass saying how internet shit means nothing, and people say what they want. Then in the next post we got your ass making threats. Got You!

But back to the game... If u would have watched the game idiot, u would have known that Ko-Me didnt do jack in the 4th quarter until he hit that 3 pointer late!! Like I said in the other thread, he was havin a real good game until he dissapeared in the 4th!! Dont get mad at me cause your boy is chokin this year!! GOT EM!!!!
I can gaurentee anything he could have done more then what he did, you would have labeled him as being selfish for it. Should he have shot more or what? When is it a good time to shoot CZAR, heres a phone, call Phil yourself and tell him!
Sep 7, 2002
Deep Thought said:
But for now...

...kiss my silver and purple arse!
hahaa. The sig that we got up right now was brutal and punishment. I had atleast three people sending me PMs saying "Whats up with that picture in your sig, you dissrespecting LA you lil bitch" lol, fools are crazy on this board. Am I the only the one that got these PMs???

Anyway, its on and fuckin crackin on the 31st. We need to come up with a picture for these fools. My little cousin got a dope ass basketball card of KB in the dunk contest. Someone can enlarge it and touch it up with some nice words for these sac fans...
May 19, 2002
Dont worry bull yall aint winnin so no pics of Ko-Me needed!!! Yo nitro what is up with this "we" stuff!! No one on here even likes yo ass!! Haha, u are a lil kid that I school daily!! But its all fun & games. And about your picture, u think I need a pic to say what I want to say or do what i want to do?? Come on dogg, u just dont know, but its all gravity. U can never get me madd as far as sports goes!! I am the one that gets fools mad, I was just speakin the real about how square u are!! So like I said say what u say, but "we" all know the real about u!!! As for Ko-Me he is overrated and selfich and a big choker!! GOT EM!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Yo nitro what is up with this "we" stuff!! No one on here even likes yo ass!!
You can trust that there are alot more people on here that like me then they do you, believe it. I dont have threads made towards me, filled with people on how they dislike me. Dont get all upset and get mad cause people like me and agree with me that arent laker fans. Got You!

Haha, u are a lil kid that I school daily!!
By schooling you mean a thread ending with me telling you how it is right? Like the one where i ask for an explanation on why SHAQ isnt MVP, the one where i ask for detail why AI is, and you have NOTHING in reply etc. etc. Those are example of how I schooled you. So if thats what your talkin about... yea.. Got You!

So like I said say what u say, but "we" all know the real about u!!!
Now I must say, who the fuck is this "we" shit? You and your boyfriend BAMMER? Muahahaha!! There for damn sure isnt no one on here that likes you, thats been proven already. So try "I" from now on kid. Got You!
May 19, 2002
Haha yea ok dogg, u be schoolin me mane!!! I will let u think that!! Most of "us" know that Shag aint no MVP candidate and if u do a poll I bet most would say no! If u dont know why and need help, thats on u! Like I said go pick up that good book "Basketball.....U to can learn"!!! And dogg "we" know u dont get respected on your opunions cause u dont know shit! U actually think u do, but really u dont!! And about the post about me, atleast I get acknowledged on here, unlike yourself!! People just breeze right past your shit!! It will be ok though, keep hope alive!! GOT EM!!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Only you and your boyfriends dont respect my opinions, and thats fine by me, cause you guys dont know a whole bunch when it comes to sports. Do you think if i posted up 50 Laker/Raider bashing threads I would get alot more attention like you? I think so, your hatin' doesnt count. I get attention with my GURU skills, how many times have I bashed on any team? Only time was maybe to make fun of you, other then that, I never talk shit on any teams or players. People breeze right past my shit? Every time I post, theres folks replying to me. Everytime I make a thread i get a gang of replies. Now your just sellin tickets, but we aint trying to buy none, get out of here with your kiddie knowledge. Ill go get my little sister and have her argue sports with you. ROFL!
May 19, 2002
Ok dogg u are the guru!!! Keep thinkin! I aint gonna waust more time with u mane!! Have fun bein this big-so-called guru!!! nitro KB!! What happened to your wack trademark?? U stopped bein a follower?? Haha!! Have fun dogg! Out!! GOT EM!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Nitro GH said:
Also, Thats not my trademark, and i only say it sometimes to you when i school you. You see it alot huh?
Damn dog, didnt you learn to read in school?

TIP: Put down the "FOOYBALL 101" book, and go back to school and learn how to read!
May 19, 2002
I know the point from when u first qouted me spellin it wrong, but what Im sayin is thats over, i dont get a foo for spell check twice and he only did it once. Now after u got me once, u should spell it correctly from then on or I will get u!! GOT EM!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
No because its a quote. When you quote, you put it exactly as they said/spelled it. Thats all there is to it. I dont care if you only do it once. You shouldnt do it at all.